Buyer Advice: Apply Today If You Want To Buy & Are In a Rental Lease

Written by Tim Hart | Jun 9, 2022 4:38:00 PM
Here is the situation you want to avoid as a buyer.
Buyer wants to buy a home and their rental lease is up in 10 months. They wait until about the 8 month mark to start the pre-approval process. Surprise! Two collections showed up that they were not aware of. Their credit score is not high enough and there is not enough time to fix it before their lease is up. They get freaked out and have to sign another long term lease. Happens all the time.
Here is my suggestion.
Apply now. I don’t care if you just signed a 12 month lease. Get the application done and let us coach you on any problems you may have.
If you do have issues then you have more time to fix those problems well before you lease is up.
We also see where you qualify right now and can find a way out of you lease. Lots of good can come out of applying for the mortgage sooner rather than later.

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