Ep. 36 6 Super Cool Apps For Realtors

Written by Tim Hart | Mar 2, 2020 2:07:00 PM

6 Super Cool Apps For Realtors With Steve (The MI Guy) Richman

Everyone needs some new apps for their business! I had Steve (The MI Guy) Richman on to talk about his 6 favorite apps for Realtors to help them in their real estate business. I felt like a lot of these apps will be used myself so I am sure that you will find some value in them.


Here are the 6 we discussed:

1. Magic Plan - https://www.magicplan.app/en/

2. Plant Snap - https://www.plantsnap.com/

3. Home Snap - https://www.homesnap.com/

4. Postagram - https://apple.co/2TbJ24J

5. Name Shark - https://www.producthunt.com/posts/name-shark

6. Paint Tester - https://luminantsoftware.com/apps/paint-tester/

I think you will find value in all of these apps and I hope it helps you in your real estate business.

Call my cell phone at 239-910-5668 if can help you with anything in your real estate business.

Have a great day!