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Written by Tim Hart | Jan 7, 2022 1:45:00 PM

It’s no secret that my family and have really enjoyed the Cobra Kai series on Netflix. The show is loaded with nostalgia and has been highly entertaining for us to watch. Has it been cheesy as well? Of course. The show is a cheese fest.

Every season gets more and more cheesy and this season took it up a notch. If Johnny Lawrence was not in this show I don’t think I would watch the next season.

As a kid I thought Daniel LaRusso was pretty awesome but this show points out to me every year that he is a whiny baby and so is his entire family. I don’t want to hate anyone but I am close to hating them.

If I had to rank the characters on this show it would be first ballot hall of famer #1 Johnny Lawrence, distant 2nd Sensei Kreese, 3rd Hawk and then everyone else except the entire LaRusso family with Daniel being dead last. I need to throw Sting Ray somewhere near the bottom after the finale. He broke my heart.

Johnny carries this show all season and will be the reason I watch again when the next one comes out. Guy is an absolute legend and highly entertaining.


The show did manage to bring back the same goofy villain with Terry Silver. If you watched Karate Kid 3 then you know how bad that movie was. Rewatch it if you don’t remember. It is easily the worst Karate Kid movie and Terry Silver is one of the worst villains around.

This feels like a negative review as I write it but I still liked the show. The show really nailed the fight scenes in the final episodes. Johnny is funny as hell. Sting Ray is Judas. Daniel Son and his whole family are babies. Dimitri could not beat up my 10 year old daughter in real life.

I actually forgot that Travis Smith and I reviewed Cobra Kai. We both shred Daniel and show our love for Johnny. Here is the link:

Shout out to Coors Banquet for still showing up.

I have to give this one a 680 credit score just because of Johnny’s performance.