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Written by Tim Hart | Mar 23, 2021 7:22:00 PM

TimDango Movie Reviews

I thought that you might be interested in checking out a few of the TimDango reviews that got me a spot at the film festival this year. Big thanks to Eric Raddatz for organizing that event. Eric is a good friend and I really appreciate the chance. I also love writing these reviews, so here they are.

You can read more on that HERE



This movie came out in 2014, and I have no idea how no one ever told me to watch it. I only found out about this Bigfoot movie because I watched “Willow Creek” (a movie directed by Bobcat Goldthwait and recommended by Joe Rogan). “Willow Creek” was a good movie, but nothing compared to “Exists.”

Initially, I thought it would take several days of me watching this movie — and falling asleep during it. Nope! It kept me up until midnight; that is a record since I turned 40.

“Exists” is a story about college-aged kids who go off into their uncle’s rundown cabin, somewhere in the middle of Texas. On the way there, they end up hitting something that you know is Bigfoot (since the movie is about Bigfoot). That part was not hard to figure out.

Kind of a Spoiler Alert

Over the next hour and 20 minutes, Bigfoot gets his revenge by wrecking these people, and the film shows it. Lots of these types of movies hide the monster or just give you glimpses while people are getting destroyed, but not with “Exists.” Bigfoot was the freaking main character. Dude deserved an Emmy!

Anyway, the movie had great suspense and action. I loved it and highly recommend it if you are into sci-fi, monster movies … or Bigfoot!

If you are not into those things, you may not like this movie, and we might not be able to be friends.

I give this a 720 credit score.



For some reason, I had some spare time on Sunday and got a chance to watch “Greenland.” I had heard from a couple of people that it was good, so I gave it a shot. I was not disappointed. I’m a sucker for any kind of doomsday movie like “Armageddon,” “Deep Impact,” or “2020.”

FYI: Judge me if you want to, but I cried in “Armageddon” when Bruce Willis stayed on the planet and told Ben Affleck something about taking care of his daughter and how he would be proud to call him his son. Tear-jerker!

Back to “Greenland.” A comet from another galaxy is heading to Earth, and no one knows much about it. They think it will be far away from Earth, so everyone is excited to watch. Spoiler alert — that you don’t need to be told — as the comet gets close to the sun it heats up and explodes, sending thousands of pieces of the comet into Earth. Whoops.

The guy from “300” does a really good job in this movie. His name is Gerard Butler, but everyone knows him as the guy from “300.” I think the movie did a solid job of portraying what mankind would be like in this extinction-type of event. It has some great chaos scenes mixed with a few plot twists. No, the guy from “300” does not stand shirtless in front of Earth while holding a shield. He has an estranged wife and kid to save.

I think you will like this movie. It is solid, mindless entertainment that does not require much thought. Right up my alley!

I give it a 680 credit score.


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