The HartBeat For Realtors

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Accepting FHA and VA Offers | DON'T Count Them Out!

We see this a lot, Sellers concerned about accepting offers from an FHA or VA financed buyer. Let...

The Mortgage Process Isn't Over When You Sign

Understanding Loan Funding Are you about to close on your mortgage ? Signing the documents might...

Private Roads Take Me Home: Buying a Home on a Private Road

In this episode, were talking about private roads and how they affect your ability to secure an...

Realtors: How To Be a Team Player

During a financing transaction, there are a million moving parts and industries all involved in the...

REALTORS: What Your Buyer Needs to Know!

What Your Buyer Needs to Know to Have a Smooth Mortgage Process

Are Your Buyer Leads Being Sold To Competitors?

When you refer your buyer to a preferred lender, that lender will need to pull credit.

Never Disqualify a Buyer Without Talking to a Lender

Have you ever thought you can’t get approved for something and so you don’t try?

Unlimited Properties for Investors| No Income Verification

Are you a real estate investor that is looking to acquire more properties but do not claim enough...

Can You Finance a House AND Include the Lot Beside It?

I see this situation often. Seller is selling a house and they own the land beside or behind it....

Would You Refer Buyers to a Lender Owned by a Real Estate Company?

Question for Realtors. Would You Refer Buyers To A Lender Owned By A Real Estate Company?
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